Thursday 20 November 2014

Creating a space called 'home'

"time to create" said her heart
"it's about time!' replied her soul.
And so she did.

written by


@gypsylovinlight at the Home of Losari 

Inspo image courtesy of Pinterest

I might be a gypsy spirit but wherever I stay I have always had a yearning to create a home.  A home is more than just 'things' - it is a place of energy, a place where you find your peace, a place that reflects what you love and who you are.   Whether it is small or large, grand or normal, a room or a whole house, old or new, rental or yours -  we all have the power within to trust our instinct and go with the flow to create a space that brings us peace.  

 The Losari journey actually started with my yearning to design a life I loved and with that came creating a home I loved.  Every day I meet people who have a dream in them, a vision, an image of a space or home or life they want to create.  And when our Losari treasures resonate with that vision - it is a shared excitement.  

So let us all carry on with this business of designing a life we love!  In doing so, that space called 'home' will truly be the place where your heart can rest.

With love

WHOLESALE - yes please!

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