I am the daughter of a bohemian gypsy.
When I look into my mother's eyes I get lost in the love. I see myself, I see her, I see the unspoken memory of our life together.
And there is always the silent prayer for her health and happiness.
Now I am blessed as the mother of two gorgeous little souls and I often find myself lost in thought about the precious connection between mother and child. Having recently almost lost my mother and my best friend recently losing hers, this Mother's Day is a sweet one, peppered with a touch of tears.
I had the privilege of interviewing two of Australia's most popular gypsy bloggers, stylists and all round AMAZING women: Helen of GypsylovinLight and Leana of Coconut, Lemon & Lime.
Helen shares with us her journey of motherhood & self discovery, while Leana shares the heartfelt connectedness she shares with her mother from afar.
May their words inspire you and help you along your own journey.
With love
Kirsty x
Helen of GypsylovinLight: I'm a dreamer at heart, always creating and conjuring something new and exciting in my life. I'm a naturopath with a speciality in autism, a mother of two beautiful angels, married to a man that I love dearly and whole heartedly. And now, within what feels like the shortest and most amazing year of my life, I am also a personal style blogger. This new direction has enabled me to share my healing inspirations, my creativity for writing, photography and style, and my passion for love, life and fashion.
I was really honoured to read your account of motherhood on your blog and must admit that it resonated with my motherhood experience. How has your journey of motherhood been so far?
It's been a bit of a roller coaster. So many moments of immense love and magic, followed by feeling completely overwhelmed and stressed beyond my ability to cope. I'm still learning how to ride the waves, and trust the flow of life. It's been the most challenging, most beautiful experience of my life. Nothing can top motherhood.
The bond between mother and child is immensely beautiful. How do you nurture this connection between you and your children in this crazy busy world?
In a word - presence. My children, and all children want us to be present. Present in ourselves and with them. My children always bring me back to my centre. They are my teachers, my reflection. To simply be present with them and open to their world is to connect. It brings so much joy and love to my heart. I often squat and make eye contact with them when they ask me questions. I try not to allow my busy world to stop me from being there. Because if it does they will certainly let me know! haha!
Are you the kind of mother you thought you’d be?
Not entirely. I thought I'd be a lot more self sacrificing and I'm definitely not so much anymore. I've evolved to nurture myself so that I may nurture them. I won't sacrifice my well being to give more than I am capable of. It's not the lesson I want to model to my children. They learn from us, and I would love nothing more than for my daughter to grow up caring for her needs when/if she becomes a mother. That to me is loving oneself and the greatest gift you can teach another.
Where do you find the inspiration to be a great mum?
My mum definitely. She is a beautiful woman. So childlike, funny and full of heart. I've also found a great deal of inspiration from the Waldorf community, where my children go to school. I attended a course there a few years ago, called the Heart of Parenting. It was a godsend and really helped me learn new tools to communicate with respect, compassion and presence with my children.
How do you continue to honour your own needs, interests and passions while giving so much energy to motherhood?
I've worked very hard on the whole balance thing. Still working on it haha! It's a little easier now my children are in school full time. When they were younger, I realised that I had been neglecting my passions and needs so much. One day I reached out to my husband and said "I need help!". Not in the sense that he needed to provide more, as he was already working so hard, just to communicate to someone that something had to change. It was more about me needing to say it to myself. There was a moment of clarity where I realised I was worth feeling good. That my needs mattered. They had to matter to myself, before they could matter to anyone else. I changed in that moment, and so did everything around me.
We looked outside for resources, people to help with cleaning, gardening and baby-sitting. We made these our priorities financially. I spent a lot of time at meditation retreats at first. This was just to basically play some catch up and rebuild my energy stores. The passion to create again came once I had fed my soul through taking adequate time to care for myself. I felt clearer, happier and a glimpse of myself was returning. I continue to nurture myself on a daily basis, with meditation, sound healing, pilates, beach time, playing my guitar, blogging, whatever I LOVE to do, that's what I do. I follow my heart. And one of the BEST things my husband and I started doing was to have a weekly date night. Actually it's mostly during the day on the weekend when we aren't exhausted. Nurturing our relationship is part of nurturing ourselves and it all helps us to be better parents.
What’s your advice to the loads of mothers out there who follow your blog and share your love of all things beachy, boho and gypsy?
Take time to rediscover your passions. We are born to create and a woman's divine essence yearns for this. Be easy on yourself. Let go of the inner judgements. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. It's the quickest way to feel terrible about yourself and we don't want that. Choose peaceful, loving thoughts. Literally retrain your brain to focus on all the good stuff. There are often things in our life that we don't like, or wish were another way...the more we can unconditionally accept where we are at, and find gratitude for all that we have, the more peace and happiness we experience. We also set a vibrational frequency that becomes a point of attraction for creating all that we desire. Be easy, be loving, you are all doing the best you can. We all are.
If you were to write a little love note to your children, what might you say?
Thank you my angels for choosing me as your mother. You teach me everyday how to be present in myself, how to love so deeply and completely. You light up my heart with those smiles and your unconditional love. I am more than blessed to share this life with you. No matter what you do, be, say, I will always love you, for exactly who you are.

I just want to start by saying how much love and empathy I have for you, having lost your mum at such a young age. I can only imagine the immense sadness that you must carry. Is it something that ever get easier?
How would you describe the kind of bond you and your mum shared?
Is there a special place or time where you feel closest to her?
Do you think you have become a bit like your mum? Was she a free spirited, gypsy loving lady like you?
What are you most grateful to your mum for?
For others who have also lost their mum, maybe recently, what words of comfort or advice can you offer them?
If you were to write a little love note to your mama this mothers day, what might you say?
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